Jeremiah and Saint James the Greater

Master Mateo and his workshop. Ca. 1200. Granite

The images of the prophet Jeremiah and Saint James the Greater, made by Master Mateo’s workshop for the choir of the Compostela Cathedral, are currently on the intermediate level of the last section on the right side of the cover of the Holy Door.
The one identified as Jeremiah was part of the group of the major prophets of the first section of the choir north façade, next to Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. Like them, he wears the Phrygian cap as a hallmark of his condition and wears a wide robe.
The image of Saint James would be located in the first section of the façade on the south side of the choir, following the same order and characters of the pillar on the same side of the Portico of Glory: Peter, Paul, James, and John. It would continue the sequence of seated figures of the Apostle Saint James, started by Master Mateo in the Portico and followed in the major chapel of the cathedral, above the apostolic sepulchre.

3D Model
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