Master of the Wet Cloths. Ca. 1170. Granite
Piece recovered in 2016 on a wall located in one of the towers of the Obradoiro façade, where it had been reused as filling material, that stylistically corresponds to the so-called Master of the Wet Cloths, an enigmatic figure, contemporary with the early days of Master Mateo, with whom he had to coincide at the beginning of his project in the cathedral.
It could have been paired with the image of the Virgin Mary that today tops the Platerías façade, perhaps as part of an Annunciation in which this figure would correspond to Saint Gabriel.
3D Model
Promote: Fundación Catedral de Santiago
Collaborate: S. A. de Xestión do Plan Xacobeo – Xunta de Galicia
Project Manager: Ramón Yzquierdo Peiró
Scanning and image processing: Margen /
Graphic Design: La Cosa Gráfica
Fundación Catedral de Santiago
Casa do Deán, Rúa do Vilar, 1
15705 Santiago de Compostela · (España)
Ph.: +34 981 569 327
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