
Compostela workshop, first half of the 18th century. Granite with remains of polychromy

This set would have its origin in a chapel dedicated to Our Lady of O, belonging to the guild of the city of Santiago, which in the 16th century would be moved to the Chapel of La Corticela, where the pieces had to remain until their detachment in the 19th century; hence the image of Mary was moved to the choir of the cathedral. Finally, in the central years of the 20th century, after the removal of the choir, the pair were reunited in the Museum.
The pieces would have been repainted at the time of their move to La Corticela. Also from this time, it can be seen the remains from the use of the applied brocade technique, especially in the figure of the Archangel, which has also been seen in the cathedral in the second polychrome of the Portico of Glory and in the vault of the current Chapel of Saint Ferdinand.


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